
Scan Result

is mintable
Token can be minted
buy tax
Buy tax: 0%
sell tax
Sell tax: 0%
is honeypot
Honeypot risk not found
has blacklist
Token blacklist not found
has whitelist
Token whitelist not found
is anti whale
Anti whale mechanisms not found
can modify tax
Token tax cannot be modified by privileged roles
not open source
Token is open source
has hidden owner
Hidden owner not found
can self destruct
Self-destruct function not found
is proxy contract
Token is not a proxy contract
can modify balance
Token balance cannot be modified by privileged roles
has external calls
External calls not found
can regain ownership
Backdoor to regain ownership not found
is transfer cooldown
Transfer cooldown mechanism not found
is transfer pausable
Transfer pausable mechanism not found
ownership not renounced
Owner privilege has been renounced
erc20 decimals too small
is anti whale modifiable
Anti whale mechanisms of the token cannot be modified
erc20 public mint and burn
The mint() and burn() functions are protected
erc20 burn should update total supply
The burn() function correctly updates the totalSupply
erc20 burn from should update allowance
The burnFrom() function correctly updates the allowance
erc20 transfer from more than allowance
The transferFrom() function cannot exceed allowance
erc20 burn from should update total supply
The burnFrom() function correctly updates the totalSupply
erc20 self transfer could double the balance
Self transfer cannot increase balance
erc20 transfer more than balance should fail
The transfer() function fails when called with an amount exceeding the available balance
erc20 allowance not adjusted during transferfrom
The transferFrom() function correctly update the allowance
erc20 transfer from should not use spender balance
Calling transferFrom() function does not use the balance of the spender

Token Scan Score

28 Passed
0 Attentions
1 Alerts

Token Overview

View Project
Market Cap$57M
Total Supply900T
Token TypeERC20
Deploy Time2 years ago
Token Address
Deployer Address
Owner Address