Skynet for Community 101

Smart Money

Guide · 3 min read

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Smart Money is a wallet analyzer tool that provides a comprehensive overview of wallet addresses and enables users to view trending searches, top smart money wallets, top liquidity pairs, and other useful information. This tool is designed to help you conduct due diligence on wallet addresses and uncover data-driven insights that help inform your investment decision-making.

Blog - Smart Money Wizard

How to Navigate Smart Money

The Smart Money interface is user-friendly– you can search for specific wallet addresses in the search bar at the top of the page, or you can explore trending searches, top smart money wallets (based on 24-hour activity), or top liquidity pairs (based on 24-hour activity).

Smart Money Features

Upon clicking on any wallet address, you will be taken to the wallet analyzer page for that specific address.

General Information

General Information contains an overview of basic wallet attributes through a 24-hour, 7-day, and 30-day period. You can see the estimated balance of the wallet, the number of total transactions that the wallet engaged in, the total incoming and outgoing volume of those transactions, the number of token types it holds, and the number of wallet addresses related to the one you’re viewing.

Token Portfolio

Token Portfolio displays the composition of a wallet’s portfolio, including the token allocation by individual tokens and by ecosystem, and the portfolio value over various time periods. The Pie Chart visualization allows for easy viewing of a wallet's asset makeup and the Token Portfolio Value line chart illustrates the changes in token portfolio value over time.

You can also click on a Token Name (if the token project is part of the Security Leaderboard) and visit the token’s Project Details Page to learn more about its security, market, governance, and social features.

Token Trading Analysis

Token Trading Analysis is a powerful tool for analyzing token transactions. The top left section features a line graph that tracks the number of transactions both received and sent (Transaction Count) and the value of those transactions (Trading Value) over various time periods. The top right section provides a breakdown of transactions by day of the week, allowing users to identify patterns and trends in the wallet’s trading behavior. Meanwhile “Token Trading Distribution” displays the distribution of incoming and outgoing tokens, providing a clear picture of the types of tokens being traded and their relative weight among the transactions.

Recent Token Transfers

Recent Token Transfers shows the latest transaction history for the wallet and displays detailed trade data for each transaction. This data includes the token name, transaction ID, quantity, price (USD), value (USD), counterparty wallet, whether the transaction was sent or received, and when the transaction occurred.

Wallet Analyzer makes it easy for you to track and analyze token holdings and trading behavior of specific wallets, identify Whale Wallets and use the Wallet Analyzer to understand trading patterns and the portfolio composition of other investors. The Wallet Analyzer is an additional due diligence tool that enables you to dive deeper into your on-chain analysis and make more informed trading decisions.